Te Tiriti o Waitangi

The Animal Justice Party Aotearoa NZ (AJP) recognizes that our history is both rich and at times turbulent. AJP accepts Te Tiriti o Waitangi as the founding document of Aotearoa, and commits to the principles of non-violent conflict resolution, compassionate conservation for ecological sustainability, social responsibility towards all of our peoples, and a just transition to a plant-based Aotearoa.

We believe in compassion, equality and non-violence therefore, we believe Māori and Māori culture should be respected and embraced. While AJP predominantly focuses on animal rights and issues, we recognize Māori have an important role in the kaitiakitanga (guardianship) of the whenua (land), moana/awa (seas/rivers) and kararehe (animals) of Aotearoa. We believe that in order to foster healthy relationships between our party and the tangata whenua (people of the land) of Aotearoa we need to help promote the rights of Māori to have a say in how issues that pertain to them and their whenua (land) are resolved.

Key Principles:

  • AJP will work towards establishing relationships with tangata whenua to create strong policies that will heal the environment and animal habitats.
  •  AJP will assist in establishing strong kaitiakitanga to enable capabilities for Māori to protect kararehe, whenua, and moana/awa. 
  • AJP will support the protection efforts of tangata whenua towards the use and care of natural resources.