The Government Is Going Backwards If Live Export Returns

The Animal Justice Party (AJP) has witnessed an outpouring of public support in its urgent campaign against the proposed reversal of the live animal export ban. Within a short period, 500 emails were delivered to Ministers through the webpage alone from concerned citizens across New Zealand who stand united in protecting the welfare of animals and preserving the nation’s reputation.

Danette Wereta, spokesperson for the AJP, expressed her gratitude for the overwhelming response and emphasised that the quick mobilisation reflects the shared values of New Zealanders. “It’s heartening to see so many people coming together to speak up for the welfare of animals and the reputation of our country. The response is a clear indication that the majority of New Zealanders do not want to see live exports return.”

Responding to the surge in support, Wereta commented, “It’s not surprising that New Zealanders are against the reintroduction of live export. The reasons cited for bringing it back simply don’t add up, as highlighted in the AJP letter.” 

In the wake of the recent global coverage of the live export ship MV Bahijah, stranded in the Red Sea en route from Australia to the Middle East, Wereta stated, “The incident involving the MV Bahijah is heartbreaking and serves as an example of how a nation’s reputation can be severely harmed. It reinforces our stance that upgraded ships do not mitigate the fundamental issues associated with live animal exports.”

AJP’s campaign highlights the risks associated with overturning the ban, with the potential damage to New Zealand’s clean, green image, established animal welfare standards, and international standing. Bringing back live export is taking a big step backwards.

“AJP is committed to exposing the flaws in the arguments advocating for the reinstatement of live exports. Our campaign aims to ensure that both ethical values and the long-term sustainability of our nation take precedence over short-term financial gains,” added Wereta.
AJP encourages all concerned citizens to join the movement by signing and sharing the letter addressed to key government officials. Head to the Animal Justice Parties website and submit an email yourself. It takes less than a minute: The campaign seeks to affirm that the majority of New Zealanders are aligned in their commitment to the welfare of animals and the protection of the nation’s reputation on the global stage.
