Protect Animals, Environment, and Democratic Values

Fast track Approvals Bill Next Steps

The AJP submission, submitted April 2024, can be viewed here.

Hold the National Party Accountable for this Anti-Democratic Bill

The National Party is responsible for this deeply flawed Bill, which is a product of National’s coalition agreements with ACT and NZ First. The Bill has sparked widespread opposition across New Zealand. Thousands of people have submitted objections and participated in marches against it.

This legislation is anti-democratic, anti-environment, and anti-animal welfare. The people of New Zealand are clear in their opposition, and it is crucial that National MPs understand they will be held accountable for this travesty. Their names will be permanently associated with a change that undermines democracy and threatens our cherished ecosystems.

The coalition government has a slim majority of just one MP on the Committee, with four National Party members.

Contact these National MPs asking them to stand with the people of New Zealand and use their power on the Committee to stop this Bill. Aligning with this legislation will link their legacy to ongoing, potentially permanent, destruction of our environment and the creatures we value. Ask them to reflect the will of the people and protect New Zealand’s future.

Remember to ask why the public and members of the Select Committee have not yet seen the list of projects that will be rubber-stamped under this Bill. This is not transparent or democratic and the Bill should not proceed any further until the list is public and has been appropriately consulted upon.

The four National MPs are:

  • Scott Simpson (MP for Coromandel)

  • Mike Butterick (MP for Wairarapa) – 1st term MP

  • Hamish Campbell (MP for Illam, Christchurch) – 1st term MP

  • Katie Nimon (MP for Napier) – 1st term MP


Contact your local MP – Share your opinion with them and ask them to speak up on your behalf, assuming the Bill returns to the House for its second reading. Find your MP and their contact details:

Write to your local paper

Share social media and chat about the Fast-Track in your personal network

Encourage others to do the same

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The Animal Justice Party is the only party you can trust to bring justice to animals in Aotearoa New Zealand.

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