Take Action: Help End Greyhound Racing in New Zealand

Greyhound racing is a cruel industry that causes immense suffering to thousands of dogs. With injury rates exceeding 40% during races, many greyhounds face severe harm, and some are even euthanised due to their injuries. Despite New Zealand’s reputation for strong animal welfare laws, we are trailing behind other nations in banning this inhumane practice. 

By adding your voice to our collective call, you can help end this cruelty and ensure that greyhounds are given the chance to live happy, healthy lives.

We have made it easy for you to take a stand. 

Simply copy, paste, personalise and send the email below to the Minister for Racing, [email protected] and the Prime Minister [email protected], expressing your support for an immediate ban on greyhound racing. Add any additional information, including, for example, if the Minister is your local MP.

Your participation is crucial. By joining this movement, you will be making an important step towards safeguarding the welfare of greyhounds and reinforcing Aotearoa’s commitment to animal rights. 

Every email counts, and together, we can make a difference.

Rt Hon Winston Peters, Minister for Racing [email protected]
Prime Minister [email protected]

Subject: Urgent Appeal: Ban Greyhound Racing in New Zealand

Tēnā koe Minister,

I am writing to add my voice to the majority of New Zealanders who want greyhound racing banned as soon as possible.

Given your extensive experience holding this Ministerial portfolio (two previous occasions), you are undoubtedly aware of the numerous reports that have consistently highlighted the severe harm caused to these dogs. Your knowledge and understanding of this issue place you in a unique position to take decisive and prompt action to end this cruel industry.

When speaking to the select committee you stated that “dogs love racing”, I would counter that by saying greyhounds love running, not racing. There is a significant difference between these two activities. Racing is inherently risky for greyhounds, whose long skinny legs are easily broken. The high percentage of injuries greyhounds receive occurs during high-speed racing – more than 40% in the 2022/23 season – some of them serious and requiring euthanasia. What else can this be called but animal abuse?  

Greyhound racing has lost its social licence in New Zealand, as evidenced by an SPCA survey that found 74% of people would vote against it in a referendum. This sentiment is echoed globally. For example, in early July 2024, Mexico announced the closure of its last greyhound racing track. This leaves only five countries – New Zealand, the UK, Ireland, some states in the US, and Australia – that still allow this practice. Clearly we are trailing behind the rest of the world, despite touting ourselves as having some of the best animal welfare laws anywhere.

A recent report into the Australian greyhound racing industry, briefly available to the public early July 2024 before being declared ‘privileged’, led to the resignation of the head of Greyhound Racing NSW and allegations of widespread animal abuse alongside persistent reporting and oversight failures. 

Furthermore, there is no reason for greyhounds to be euthanised following the political decision to ban greyhound racing. A consortium of respected animal organisations (SPCA, HUHA, SAFE and Dogwatch) have publicly committed to facilitate the rehoming of these dogs, ensuring they receive the second chance they so greatly deserve.

Greyhound racing not only harms the dogs but also us and our communities through the negative impacts of gambling on human mental health, domestic relationships, and financial stability.   

The decision on the future of commercial greyhound racing is imminent. The industry is already ‘on notice’. If the Coalition government chooses to continue with this cruel activity, they will be acting against the wishes of a majority of New Zealanders and condemning thousands of greyhounds to injury and death in the foreseeable future.

The continued exposure of harmful practices and poor welfare outcomes in greyhound racing threaten to damage both your reputation and the credibility of your office. I respectfully urge you to do the right thing and take immediate steps to ban greyhound racing in New Zealand forever. 

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Ng mihi nui

Your name

[city], New Zealand