Ban the Boom

The Animal Justice Party of Aotearoa NZ is saddened to learn of this devastating loss of a much loved companion.

🟠  It’s time to #BANTHEBOOM!  🟠

The Animal Justice Party of Aotearoa NZ is saddened to learn of this devastating loss of a much loved companion. [1. New Year’s Eve fireworks cause death of ‘darling companion’ pet dog: owner calls for ban — Stuff]

What a tragic start to the New Year for Lilly’s whānau, made worse by the fact her death was completely unnecessary.

Every year, fireworks cause untold distress and suffering to animals and people. 

Every year, we read stories of companion animals that go missing from their homes, some never to return. 

We hear of horses and farm animals bolting in terror and attempting to flee their paddocks, often breaking through fences and causing severe injuries which result in them being euthanised. 

Fireworks cause wild animals raising their young to abandon their nests in fear. Fish ingest debris from rivers polluted by fireworks. Birds have panic attacks and quite literally die of fright.

This is not to mention the countless deliberate acts of cruelty to animals involving fireworks that have been reported in New Zealand over the years. 

Then there is the harm fireworks cause to property and people. This New Year’s Eve was reported by Fire and Emergency to be the worst in years, with over 40 callouts and 15 “completely avoidable” fires blazing up down the country. [2. Firefighters battle blaze sparked by fireworks and threatening homes – RNZ]

Fireworks-related injuries over the last decade cost taxpayers around $3.3 million in ACC claims. [3. Fireworks cause 4000 injuries, cost ACC $3.3m over 10 years – Stuff]

All of this needless distress, fear, injury and death has been allowed to continue for far too long.

Dozens of petitions calling for an end to the public sale of fireworks have been signed by tens of thousands of New Zealanders over the years. Still, the Government has done nothing. 

Enough is enough. The Animal Justice Party of Aotearoa NZ stand with Lilly’s family and join their call for a total ban on all public sales of fireworks. 

Please share if you agree! 



