The Animal Justice Party (AJP) requests immediate action following shocking allegations of animal cruelty across multiple ZQ-certified wool facilities owned by The New Zealand Merino Company (NZM). Documented by PETA in this video, sheep are beaten, tormented, and killed in violation of multiple codes under the Animal Welfare Act 1999.
“While footage shows sheep are being kicked, beaten with ski poles, and left to die in agony, Federated Farmers’ meat and wool chair Toby Williams is attempting to dismiss documented abuse as ‘isolated incidents.’ says Danette Wereta, General Secretary of AJP. The video shows this claim is demonstrably false – the investigation is reported as abuse across eleven different facilities, by multiple shearing teams, over an extended period from 2023 to 2024. The nature of this cruelty and its occurrence across numerous certified facilities point to a big problem, not isolated to a few bad apples.”
The video footage revealed workers laughing as sheep bled from wounds, performing surgical procedures without pain relief, and subjecting animals to severe overcrowding, resulting in deaths by suffocation. In one particularly horrific incident, a sheep’s throat was slit while still conscious after being tormented.
This investigation raises questions about supply chain transparency among major wool-sourcing brands,” states Wereta. “Many companies using New Zealand wool, including Arc’teryx, Barkers, Icebreaker, Max, Mons Royale, Rodd and Gunn, and Untouched World, market their commitment to ethical sourcing. We’re asking these companies to thoroughly investigate their supply chains and demonstrate how they ensure their animal welfare standards are being met. The complex web of contractors and certification processes shouldn’t obscure the fundamental responsibility for animal welfare.
“Sheep are gentle, intelligent animals who feel fear and pain just like us,” Wereta emphasises. “Every brand that sources this wool, every certification body that vouched for these facilities, and every industry representative trying to minimise these alleged atrocities is complicit. The farmers are responsible for what happens on their farms – period. No amount of finger-pointing at contractors can absolve them of this responsibility under the law.”
The AJP is calling for an immediate investigation into these alleged violations, with relevant action such as the suspension of certifications, independent audits, and enforcement. The public is urged to visit the AJP website to take action by requesting accountability from both the brands involved and the Ministry for Primary Industries, which is responsible for enforcing New Zealand’s animal welfare laws.
The AJP thanks PETA Asia-Pacific for exposing these alleged atrocities in their investigation. The AJP is working to ensure this investigation results in genuine accountability and systemic change, not industry whitewashing and empty promises.