Policies and Positions

Shaping a kinder world for animals, one step at a time. Our policies blend big-picture ideals with practical actions to create real, lasting change.


Our policies aren’t just words—they’re blueprints for change. Backed by experts and evidence, these comprehensive documents lay out our path to a world where animals and nature thrive alongside humans. Each policy supports actionable campaigns that bring our vision to life: a healthier planet where all beings are protected and respected.

Policy Overviews

While we craft our full, detailed policies, our policy overviews give you the big picture. These snapshots capture our stance and key goals across a wide range of issues. They’re not the fine print—they’re your quick guide to where we stand and where we’re headed.


Animal advocacy is our passion, but we don’t live in a single-issue world. At times we may need to take a stand on a wider range of topics. Our position statements give you a clear snapshot of where we stand on these diverse issues. Always guided by our core values of compassion, non-violence, equality, sustainability and a just transition, these statements show how our animal-friendly philosophy shapes our approach to every aspect of society.

Our Policy Pillars

The Animal Justice Party (AJP) believes in compassion and non-violence. Our unwavering commitment is focused on safeguarding and enhancing the lives of all animals. We believe that all animals, regardless of form, deserve the right to live and thrive. All sentient beings deserve recognition and protection under the law from harm or cruelty, guided by our commitment to the precautionary principle. This principle urges us to prioritise caution in the face of uncertainty, ensuring that all non-human animals are valued, and treated respectfully and with dignity, acknowledging their capacity for emotions, suffering, and joy.     

Currently, animals face inadequate living conditions, exploitation in various industries, and practices that prioritise human interests over their inherent rights and well-being. This harms animals, us, and our planet, and it prevents the realisation of a harmonious coexistence between humans and non-human animals. Animal welfare is a significant issue of public concern.The solution lies in advocating for systemic change, just governance and legal and regulatory reforms and safeguards that prioritise the inherent rights and quality of life non-human animals deserve, making a positive difference through the application and improvement of animal welfare and protection law. By acknowledging the moral right that animals should not be treated as property, and guided by compassion and empathy, we can ensure that the wellbeing and protection of animals is enshrined in law, policy and practice.

This achievable future is not simply a goal; it’s a shared commitment to the wellbeing of non-human animals and a just and humane society. It is not just an aspiration, but a reality that we collectively create.

The AJP is committed to a transition to a plant-based economy with respect for sentient animals at the core. 

Climate change is one of the most urgent challenges we face. Driven by GHG emissions from fossil fuel use, the destruction of natural ecosystems and intensive animal farming, the world has now entered an era of rapid and unpredictable changes with profoundly detrimental consequences for both people and animals. The need for decisive action has never been clearer nor more urgent. But Aotearoa New Zealand’s political and economic system is failing to deliver the solutions we need, or to seize the enormous opportunities that climate action offers to transform our country for the better.

We are very concerned about the loss of wildlife habitat due to agricultural expansion, resource extraction, urban sprawl and exceeding planetary boundaries. The AJP believes humans can thrive while simultaneously reducing our adverse impacts on the environment. A central policy advocates for a phased transition to a plant-based economy, prioritising environmental protection, public health, and positive animal welfare, whilst ensuring a just and supportive transition for farmers and others working in the system.Our vision has all sentient beings at the forefront of environmental and ecosystems considerations, emphasising their wellbeing and protection as essential to the collective welfare of the planet.

The AJP seeks to create a society where the welfare, and ability to thrive, of both humans and other animals is at the forefront, guided by compassion, inclusivity, just governance, and a commitment to sustainability. As responsible stewards for future generations we must consider the impact of our actions today on animals, the planet and by extension ourselves. 

We acknowledge the intrinsic connection between humans and other animals, recognising the welfare of one directly impacts the other. When animals lead better lives, the result is not only reduced suffering and exploitation, but also an overall improvement in the health of our ecosystems, contributing to a healthier planet, and in turn, fostering healthier communities.

Practices such as factory farming and cruel treatment of animals not only raise moral and ethical questions but can also desensitise and harm individuals, and lead to environmental degradation creating further harm. We believe the wellbeing of people can be enhanced through ethical and compassionate choices in how we use, protect and interact with animals.

Browse all Policy Overviews Policies Positions

Ban recreational fishing and fishing competitions
The Animal Justice Party Aotearoa NZ (AJP) is opposed to recreational fishing and fishing competitions. We are committed to an immediate and complete ban on
Ending the Use of All Animals for ‘Entertainment’
The Animal Justice Party Aotearoa NZ (AJP) is opposed to the use of animals for human ‘sport’ and ‘entertainment’ or for gambling profits. We are
Ban Greyhound Racing
The Animal Justice Party Aotearoa NZ (AJP) is opposed to greyhound racing and is committed to an immediate and complete ban, reflecting our commitment to
Ban Horse Racing
The Animal Justice Party Aotearoa NZ (AJP) is opposed to all forms of horse racing and is committed to eliminating the use of animals for
Ban Rodeo
The Animal Justice Party Aotearoa NZ (AJP) advocates a ban on using animals for ‘entertainment’ and profit, and is committed to an immediate and complete
Ban Recreational Hunting and Hunting Competitions
The Animal Justice Party Aotearoa NZ (AJP) is opposed to recreational hunting, including hunting competitions, and is committed to a complete ban. Recreational hunting and